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Single Private
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Single Private
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Single Private
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Single Private
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navmenu addon, navmenu overlay, not configured, what is this and how does it work?
Content areas menu – navmenu addon
Action areas menu – navmenu addon
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original Main Menu – navmenu addon
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navmenu add on – megamenu element, not configured
navmenu add on – branding element
Pathways To Awareness
Is it for you?
Would you like to take your yoga practice to a deeper level? Make progress month to month? Stay grounded in the fundamentals of a good physical practice and open up to a deeper look into the workings of the mind? Come and join my classes and let’s practice with mindfulness, seeing as things just as they are.
Marianne’s Classes
Broadly speaking there are many approaches to the teaching of yoga. My approach is one of mindfulness. Mindfulness has a healing power, and wonderfully transformative effects.
My Mindful Flow classes integrate a continuous, slowly paced and challenging flow of postures with the exploration of Being-in-poses. In every posture we mindfully “play the edge” while both respecting and challenging the possibility of moving beyond physical and mental barriers.
I call this continuity of focus Mindful Flow, and it is the ground and orientation for most of what I share in my yoga classes.
I work to provide a supportive and light-hearted atmosphere where students are encouraged to start where they are and learn to explore the harmonics of postural alignment and the embodied and alive connection between body, breath and mind.
I design my classes with experienced beginners and intermediate level students in mind. Some beginners are doing fine as well. All sincere students are welcome.
Learning Sequences
At the beginning of each month, I offer my students a newly created sequence, where the focus on transitions, the “going in to” and “coming out of” a posture is as important as the being-in the posture.
Students practice this sequence for the entire month; it provides an opportunity to build an attitude of practicing to learn and listening within, to observe physical sensations along with the breath and all arising thoughts and feelings, and to contemplate how they reflect and affect each other.
With regular practice students develop the physical and mental body and learn concentration of thought and expansion of breath. The practice becomes a meditation in motion.
This feature is cited often by my students as one of their favorite aspects of my classes. Learning a new sequence allows them to learn to learn, and practicing the same sequence for a month gives a sense of purpose as well as accomplishment.
You can find out more about my Learning Sequences, and subscribe to get access to learning materials each month.
Personal Pathways.
Are you looking to integrate a physical practice for health and longevity with a spiritual practice for personal growth?
Do you have a special physical challenges or chronic conditions that require personal adjustments and modifications?
Do you want to create a focused goal-oriented program for health and wellness that includes yoga, mindfulness diet and stretches, personally tailored to your needs and goals?
Personal Pathways may be an effective healing journey for you.
Learning Sequences is the site we created to publish monthly sequences of postures to loyal subscribers.
Learning Sequences is the site we created to publish monthly sequences of postures to loyal subscribers.
slider – text or image with header, text, button and link
elementor pro flip box
eae flip box
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image carousel

image and text in columns
oceanwp elementor widget – newsletter form
one field only and link to mailchimp via an action URL
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multiple fields, submit hook URL
redirect URL, field and html submission control
testimonial, text with an optional picture