September 2020

An Afternoon-At-Home Retreat

Saturday, September 26, 2020   2-5 pm
via Zoom

An Afternoon for Spacious Presence

These times are like no other in our lifetimes. The challenges are unprecedented, and so many at once.

We may quite naturally think, I do not have enough time.  And yet our sense of time is intimately connected to the availability of our attention, and our attention, as we know, can be consciously directed, or simply pulled around by the flow of external events.

In these fragmented times we must consciously decide and create the time to connect and nuture our sense of inner spaciousness.   Otherwise the rush of events will simply carry us along.

And so I have created a time and a space for you, for us, to take a bit of refuge from the rush of external events and activities. Though Zoom is a remote connection, it is a connection nevertheless. 

So please join us and create an afternoon for yourself, for your attention, for your breath and for your connection to inner spaciousness – an afternoon of slowing down and pausing.

We will focus on learning to create space in the mind for whatever arises to be recognized as it is.

Using Mindful Yin & Yang yoga, Pranayama, Meditation and Yoga Nidra, we will contemplate the present moment, as we see it and as it is.

We will look into and explore what Life is presenting with each breath, each emotion, each thought and each conflict.

We will practice bringing awareness to thought, mindset and emotion. We will practice to open our perception into a broader field of awareness through the practice of pratipaksha bhavanam, the practice of welcoming opposites.

When we hold opposites simultaneously in Awareness, something magical can arise: both opposites are true and become inseparable, they are the two sides of one coin.

The retreat is offered on a Sliding Scale Tuition – simply pay what works for you.

Standard: $36 
Pay It Forward: $54

View the cart and complete the payment.

Checkout is via PayPal but you can use any major credit card to pay.
Please include your name, email and phone.

Virtual Events
All of my classes are brought to you from my home, using Zoom.  On the day of each class, I will email the zoom login information to all who have registered. It helps if you sign up as early as you can, and no later than 30 minutes before class starts.  If you care to, you can join the meeting/yoga/mediation a few minutes early and visit with the other participants and me. I will keep the microphones open until class begins. You can join with or without turning your own video camera on.