March Retreat 2021
Saturday, March 20, 2021
2 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.
a afternoon at home rereat via Zoom

Maigloeckchen–Snowdrop Buds opening.
Water, icy-cold and flowing from the melting snow.
'Awakening Agni - Your Inner Fire'
a time to contemplate the symmetry of nature,
and to invite that balance into your life.
Spring is the season for clearing the ground,
for letting go of what is no longer needed –
whatever is standing in the way of seeing and living our purpose.
Spring is the time to grow new seeds
and to transplant the sprouts we want to keep growing.
It is a time to unite your intention and attention and
nourish what is most important to you.
Agni means fire in Sanskrit language and it manifests within each of us as the sacred metabolic fire. Agni has its seat in Manipura Chakra, within the navel center. It is absolutely essential to life and is said to be the gateway to optimal health. Not only is Agni responsible for the digestion, absorption and assimilation of food, it also digests and assimilates thoughts, emotions and experiences.
“Mastery of the energy of digestion located in the abdomen brings the power of radiance.”
Patanjali Yoga Sutra 3.40: ‘Samana jayat jvalanam’
Set aside an afternoon for exploring Agni, the power inside of us that governs the health of both the body and mind. Using both Mindful Flow and integrated poses that are held for longer periods, we will stabilize our energy within the inner core and build core strength and vitality. Through Pranayama and Bandha we will feel, build, and learn how to balance our inner fire. During Meditation and Yoga Nidra we will merge the energies of the mind, breath and prana within the Manipura Chakra to further support and maintain our reservoir of energy.
“ Fire represents transformation, the process of energetic change that leads to purification. ”
Godfrey Devereux
“Establishing fire requires the utilization of subtlety, the sign of its presence is its opposite — radiance.”
Godfrey Devereux
Pay It Forward: $63
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Virtual Events
All of my classes are brought to you from my home, using Zoom. On the day of each class, I will email the zoom login information to all who have registered. It helps if you sign up as early as you can, and no later than 30 minutes before class starts. If you care to, you can join the meeting/yoga/mediation a few minutes early and visit with the other participants and me. I will keep the microphones open until class begins. You can join with or without turning your own video camera on.